Logo finalists Foodies 2024
We are finalists at The Foodies 2024
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Logo finalists Foodies 2024 With their Human Rights Module, HGS is currently taking part in the "Foodies Award" competition organised by FoodDrinkEurope, the European umbrella association of the food and beverage industry. HGS is now among the 5 finalists in the awards' "Next Generation" category with the Human Rights module.

The Foodies are a celebration of sustainability achievement among 290,000 small and medium-sized enterprises that make up 99% of Europe's food and drink industry. The "Next Generation" category recognises innovations in the food and agriculture sector that contribute to creating more resilient, sustainable and safer food systems.

The winners will be announced by FoodDrinkEurope in September.


Human Rights Risk Analysis

You are looking for a practicable and cost-effective tool to support your abstract human rights risk analysis?

Our market information platform HGS Research supports you in conducting your abstract human rights risk analysis in a highly efficient way and offers easy-to-use, interactive views in the platform and for download:

  • Human rights-related country ratings and rankings for > 190 countries
  • Human rights-related sector ratings and rankings for > 80 sectors
  • Human rights-related product group ratings for > 6,000 product groups
  • In 10 risk dimensions and with an overall result
  • Risk heat maps in the form of charts and tables
  • Showing risk for products as well as for services
  • Supporting a risk-based, focused approach towards suppliers
  • No uploading of procurement data required
  • No onboarding of suppliers required
  • Unique: Tool for spotting abstract human rights risks in T1 to Tn supply chains with a few clicks
  • Unique: Tool for download supporting abstract human rights risk analysis for large and complex procurement portfolios, enabling you to keep your purchasing data on your own premises.

Human Rights Risk Segments

No Risk
(Score = 1.0)
Very Low Risk
(Score 1.1 - 1.5)
Low Risk
(Score 1.6 - 2.0)
Medium Risk
(Score 2.1 - 2.5)
Increased Risk
(Score 2.6 - 3.0)
High Risk
(Score 3.1 - 3.5)
Very High Risk
(Score 3.6 - 4.0)
Warning Flag
Yellow Warning Flag
Result is in Segment F or G in one dimension
Red Warning Flag
Result is in Segment F or G in two or more dimensions

With just a few clicks, you can spot potential high-risk countries, sectors, products and services in your direct supply markets and also - this sets us apart from other solutions - also in upstream or downstream markets.

Ranking lists for human rights by country and sector worldwide help you to fulfil your human rights due diligence obligations for your direct suppliers and their chain of activities.

Our application supports you to conduct abstract human rights risk analysis in a highly efficient way. It helps you and your team to build up sound knowledge about human rights risks in an easy-to-use, uncomplex way, still going well beyond 1-digit scores and coloured heatmaps.

For calculating the risk scores and ratings, we use indices and statistical data from publicly available, well-reputed institutions such as the UN or the World Bank. We update the ratings on a quarterly basis and transparently show you all sources, indicators and data contributing to the rating.

Our platform HGS Research is a web-based application, available upon subscription. Please contact us for more information or to schedule an individual demo session.

Who is this for?

  • Purchasing Managers
  • Human Rights Managers
  • Risk Analysis Managers

What tasks does the tool support you with?

  • Abstract risk analysis also for upstream and downstream markets in the supply chain
  • Basis for risk-based, concrete risk analysis
  • Risk assessments in the context of supplier search and product development
  • Knowledge building on human rights risks

Which fundamental rights are the subject of our assessments and rankings?

  • Child Labour
  • Forced Labour
  • Labour Security
  • Freedom of Association
  • Equality
  • Salary
  • Environment
  • Respect of Property
  • Use of Violence
  • Corruption

Country Risk Map with Human Rights Ratings

HGS Research Country Risk Map with Human Rights Ratings

Downloadable tool to support abstract risk analysis for your own procurement portfolio

This also sets us apart from other solutions: Via our platform HGS Research, we provide a downloadable tool supporting abstract human rights risk analysis for your own procurement portfolio. Unlike in other solutions, you do not have to upload your data to our platform but you download our dataset.

Our downloadable tool contains all human rights risk scores calculated by HGS at country, sector and product group level, each in 10 individual risk dimensions and one overall dimension. With a few clicks, you combine these indicators with your own data for abstract risk analysis even for large, internationally spread procurement portfolios and keep your data and results of your analysis within your own system.

Who is this for?

  • Human Rights Managers
  • Risk Analysis Managers

Which tasks does the tool support?

  • Annual abstract risk analysis of large procurement portfolios
  • Reliable, transparent and highly efficient identification of potential high risks in human rights related dimensions
  • Basis for risk-based approaches

Why is human rights risk analysis important / mandatory and how are business and human rights related?

Human rights are fundamental and universal rights and freedoms that belong to all people. These include freedom of expression, the right to privacy, and an adequate standard of living. States worldwide are obligated to protect these rights. The actions of companies can also impact human rights - both positively, by providing good jobs, and negatively, when workers in supply chains are subjected to exploitative conditions.

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact emphasize the importance of human rights. Companies that sign the UN Global Compact commit to avoiding human rights violations and advocating for the observance of basic rights in their value chains.

A proactive approach to human rights also benefits companies. Adhering to human rights contributes to risk management, as human rights violations can lead to reputational, financial, operational, or legal risks. Social and environmental sustainability criteria are increasingly relevant in the financial market, among consumers, and for young professionals. Transparent and methodologically sound processes for human rights due diligence help make companies future-proof.

More and more countries are legally mandating companies to exercise due diligence regarding human rights. This includes the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act of 2023, which requires companies to pay greater attention to human rights in their supply chains. Let us talk! You are curious or have questions? We are happy to hear from you!

Let us talk!

You are curious or have questions? We are happy to hear from you!

Contact us