Logo finalists Foodies 2024
We are finalists at The Foodies 2024
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Logo finalists Foodies 2024 With their Human Rights Module, HGS is currently taking part in the "Foodies Award" competition organised by FoodDrinkEurope, the European umbrella association of the food and beverage industry. HGS is now among the 5 finalists in the awards' "Next Generation" category with the Human Rights module.

The Foodies are a celebration of sustainability achievement among 290,000 small and medium-sized enterprises that make up 99% of Europe's food and drink industry. The "Next Generation" category recognises innovations in the food and agriculture sector that contribute to creating more resilient, sustainable and safer food systems.

The winners will be announced by FoodDrinkEurope in September.

and Procurement Services

Handelsgesellschaft Sparrenberg (HGS) is a company of the Oetker-Group. HGS was founded in 1928 as a trading company in Bielefeld, Germany.

Today, HGS specialises in developing information products and in supplying information and procurement services.

HGS provides information services to the German and international companies of the Oetker-Group as well as to selected companies outside the group. HGS offers the following services to third-party customers:

Market Tools Services

Our Products & Services


Market Information Platform HGS Research

Self-service platform with market prices, news and publications for food products, beverages, packaging, technical goods, energy, transport, economy, etc.

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Human Rights

Human rights-related ratings in 10 dimensions and with an overall result.

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Tender Management

Commodity group analysis, tender management, benchmarking, calculation, pricing models, tranche models. For packaging materials such as corrugated packaging, folding boxes/solid board boxes, flexible packaging, labels as well as for electricity and natural gas.

Packaging Energy

Procurement Services

Procurement services for load carriers and load securing materials such as pallets, wooden crates and cases, shrink and stretch foils, PE-bags, plastic hoods, edge protection, cover foils.

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